
Friday Facts #38 - Bug fixing time

Posted by Tomas on 2014-06-13

Hi everyone, the 0.10.0 has been out for a week. We were not brave enough to release the 0.10.1 on Friday the 13th, especially when it is a full moon! So it is scheduled for the next Friday.

Friday Facts #37 - The 0.10 is here

Posted by kovarex on 2014-06-06

Hello, the Friday is here much sooner than expected as always. Albert just arrived back in Czech republic yesterday, so the team is localised again. Albert met with Pavel, the graphics reinforcements of our team, for the first time and it seems that they could get along quite well, so we can call these two our graphics department from now on :)

Friday Facts #36 - Better late than sorry

Posted by Tomas on 2014-05-31

Hello, so today is Saturday (more specifically half past six on Saturday morning). The point of Friday Facts is that they are written on Friday. So what went wrong? Yesterday we were working all day long to make the promised release happen. We gave up on social life on Friday evenings long time ago:/ There were new and new things coming up. At one point we were ready to "push the release button" but then we found out that the game performance can drop significantly due to some strange Allegro sound issues. As a result the game was not playable at all. That was already late in the evening and we started to fall asleep over our keyboards.

Friday Facts #35 - Lighthouse keeper

Posted by kovarex on 2014-05-23

Hello, you can sit tight, because the batch of insiders from the world of Factorio development are here.

Paysafecard and Presentation

Posted by Tomas on 2014-05-20

Hello guys, just a quick one today. A lot of the people have asked for more payment options, especially the popular Paysafecard. We listened to them. Starting today the Paysafecard is a supported payment method. So if you own one, you can use it to buy the game before the price goes up on 1st of June. Based on the recent influx of new players we have also updated the game presentation on the webpage. There is now way more information. The main menu has been updated. Game and Support tabs contain links to many more pages. You can read about the game features, there is a troubleshooting page, page for the press guys, etc. There will be more to come in the future (information on modding, system requirements, some general information about the "history" of Factorio creation, ...). If you have any comments let us know at at our forums.

Friday Facts #34 - Sales, Support, Stress and Steam

Posted by Tomas on 2014-05-16

Hello, So the last week has been very intense.

Friday Facts #33 - Announcements

Posted by Tomas on 2014-05-09

Hi guys, the week since releasing the trailer has been a ride. We have got great feedback about the video, lots the requests to make a youtube coverage or blog preview of Factorio and the general awareness of the game is rising. The hedgehog (our mascot) is extremely happy about all this (or maybe its the spring).

Friday Facts #32 - The New Trailer

Posted by Tomas on 2014-05-02

Hello everyone, so it is kind of obvious what the main topic of today's post will be. After months of waiting, the new trailer went public on Thursday (on time - YAY). Michal and Albert were working till like 5 a.m. to finish all the super final details, record the trailer and post it on youtube. Still we were unsure about the final result. The quality of the video is unsatisfactory compared to the original (Youtube recompresses the video) and we keep seeing more and more tiny little errors in the trailer - things like bad timing of honking when the train leaves the sorter, too close zooming now and there, one of the biters being rendered "inside the worm", clash sound on the bridge played a bit too early. So we monitored the reactions rather anxiously. And we were overwhelmed. Positively. The trailer video got over 10k views the same day with couple of hundreds likes and many, many positive and encouraging comments. On top of that the trailer was posted on Reddit in r/Games and it got quite a bit of traction there as well. We received lots of great emails, tweets and the sales spiked significantly. And the cherry-pick is that today we got emails from guys at Gamasutra and PC Gamer UK who were interested in getting a copy of the game for potential articles / previews on these sites. So looks like the new trailer is doing its job:) Big thank you to all of you who contributed to this (by giving advice on trailer concept, spreading the word, liking, tweeting, etc.). Maybe a little bit in the shadows of the new trailer comes the new Factorio logo (you can see it in the trailer as well as on the website). Quite a while ago we made a post which introduced our new logo prototype. This post was followed by a fruitful discussion on the forums. We took the major points from those discussions and put them into the new logo. That means we (and by "we" I mean Albert:)) fixed the shape a bit, added a more fitting texture and finally got a better ending wheel. We are really happy about the result. The old logo is gone long live the new one:) (we will update the wiki and forums soon ...). By the end of the next week we will finish with some more "marketing / PR karma" steps. Things like: Direct debit card payments. Don't have a Paypal account? No worries, you will be able to buy the game with a single "swipe" of your card. Up to date screenshots with latest graphics (it is a pain to see new articles about Factorio popping up with half a year old screenshots). New css template for the forums (including the new logo). Further web polish - adding links to couple of good youtube preview videos about Factorio, maybe adding some logo resources for people to use when previewing the game, etc. This will finally bring us to the state when we will be positive about trying to reach to the wider audience. Oh yeah and apart from refreshing the youtube trailer page and scraping internet for feedback on the trailer we did some "regular work" as well. Namely for the multiplayer. The basics of synchronization layer, connection management and data transfers are in place. They haven't yet been tested together though - we are too afraid the whole thing will just explode - so for now we are writing tests for these like crazy. The next in line are lobby (to actually get players together and start / join the game) and changing the core game to properly deal with multiple players. After this we will hopefully start with some very early tests here over LAN. We will keep you up to date;) I guess you all noticed, but there is a new steam engine graphics in the trailer. Albert said that we can't release the trailer with the old one so we listened. And it was imho a good decision. Checkout some gif animations from early vs. final version below: And as always, go to our forums for the Friday Facts "afterparty" comments.

Friday Facts #31 - Factorio is going places

Posted by kovarex on 2014-04-25

Hello, as mentioned in the last update the word about Factorio started to spread much faster than we were used to. We are happy about that and we would like to thank to all the people who helped to spread the word. We have been contacted by several youtubers, and told all of them to wait for the release of their videos until the 1st of May so there is a good chance that we didn't even reach the peak so far. The reason why we want to wait for the 1st may is because it is the release date of our new trailer, we were ready to send Albert home to see his wife already, but his perfectionism didn't let him as he decided to remake the last entity for the trailer, the steam generator. It is already remodelled now, waiting to be retextured, so we are almost finished. Most of the work now is still related to the multiplayer. I keep fixing one desynchronisation bug a day, so I'm near to being able to replay the demo campaign. We are discussing the details of networking almost daily and it seems like our second model of network synchronisation is going to be more consistent than the first one. I hope that the Factorio dev proverb (The third version is usually good) will not apply to this. In the meantime, I started to do a little research of the problem with the growing video memory requirements. It is going to be more relevant in the future if we want to add different enemies or machines, so anyone who knows about game programming could give us a hint. Destroying and building stuff is always more fun with effects. We are always eager to learn what you think at our forums.

Busy weekend

Posted by Tomas on 2014-04-21

Hi all, this weekend has been very busy. For our sales counter. On Saturday, quill18 made a nice youtube preview of Factorio. The video has been seen by a few thousands of people. The reaction to video was very positive and shortly after it was released, the sales counter went crazy. In the evening the game has already made more money for the day than for the whole month a year ago. There was a glitch in the evening, when we breached an outgoing limit on the number of emails the web site can send out. The result was that people could buy the game, but wouldn't get an activation email. Not the best timing, especially considering that I was out of the house. Anyway, we have resolved the problem in a timely manner and sent the codes to people who didn't get them automatically (sorry for troubles again if you were one of them). The rest of the extended weekend was rather smooth. Today we even went past the magical (for us) threshold of 10k sales. I still remember the time when we were starting with Factorio and plannig that if we can make 10k sales within a year it will be a success. It took much longer, but the prospects are bright. The feedback we got, from the people seeing the latest version of the game (the video was done with 0.9.8) for the first time was very positive. Allright, that is enough for the small happy rant about Factorio getting some traction. If you have something to say please do so on our forums.